Saturday, April 16, 2005



There has been a few feedbacks reaching me concerning the older articles in this weblog. And that is, they are too long and too much to digest at one sitting. I apologize for that inconvenience and oversight so we will tailor our future articles so that they are shorter and will not strain our aging eyes. I have forgotten that we are older. So, we should see shorter articles in the future.

Let me remind new readers to still try to read the older articles starting from the bottom up so at least this weblog will make sense to you.

There are a lot of good reading on the 'google news' link. I will try to add links to the blog as soon as I get some html knowledge. Well, let me try it here.....
Well, that wasn't hard. The creators of this blog are my heroes. I found out that there is an icon for creating links especially designed....well... for html dummies...
By the way, is a great way to publish your resume for free or look for job positions. Just sign up and go.

Oopsss. This here article is getting bigger so I got to run lest you get bored reading. So, adios and keep up the great fight... the great fight against hunger, against poverty.

Joe Joson
GC, California

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